Every parent knows all too well that a day on the beach requires a cooler full of snacks for the kids. It seems like the little ones (and especially teenagers) have ferocious appetites and always need a snack when you are farthest away from a place to get one. With each plea for something to eat and sigh from a parent comes a decision. There is always the option to run to the little store down the street, but that means leaving the beach… and who wants to do that! Besides, kids are going to head straight to the sugary and fatty snacks that we’re all trying to avoid. Not to mention, who wants to spend extra money on junk food. This week we have an easy solution with five very simple and healthy snack that are perfect for a day on Ocean Isle Beach.
Simple Frozen Grapes
Frozen grapes are an easy snack to prepare and are particularly well suited to the hot beach environment because they stay cold for a long time. Another advantage is that even when the grapes defrost they are delicious. Since they’re frozen from the start, grapes wont get mushy when it is time to snack on them.
Freeze them the night before and divide them up in small containers. These containers can even act like ice cubes in a well planned cooler. Now all you need is to find your favorite spot on Ocean Isle Beach.
Do you have your cooler packed? Are you just looking for the perfect late-summer beach vacation destination? If you are, now is the perfect time to book your next Ocean Isle Beach vacation. We still have plenty of time left in the summer season and some of the best weather of the year is just around the corner. Give us a call today at 800-727-9222 to book your next Ocean Isle Beach vacation home.